Chicken with Celery & Mushroom Gravy

Country cooking with a little help from a Greek...

No time to go to the store today...  Sometimes you gotta cook what you have on hand especially when your day around the house is already full of tasks. After a quick take of the crisper drawer the other day, I found some celery and mushrooms that needed using and a package of boneless chicken breast in the freezer. Looks like supper is gonna be creative.

Later that nite...
Folks, sometimes I amaze myself as this was one delicious chicken dish and the gravy was exceptional. The Greek seasoning was just perfect with the celery gravy as it had all the flavorings I looked for, and that's a good thing 'cause it went well with my country cooking. I served the chicken over rice along side helpings of collard greens, speckled butter beans, fried corn and of course, cornbread. Change out the seasoning if you desire but I'm keeping it in for the next time I make this. And I will make it again... Enjoy!

Brown the cutlets in oil &
simmer in gravy for over an hour

Chicken with Celery & Mushroom Gravy

3 large boneless chicken breast
Homemade Greek seasoning or Cavender's
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 celery stalks, sliced
1/4 cup chopped bell pepper
1/2 cup white wine
1/2 cup finely diced mushrooms
2 tablespoons flour
2 cups chicken stock
    Rinse the chicken and slice horizontally in half. Pat each piece with paper towels to dry. Sprinkle liberally with Greek seasoning.
    Heat the oil in a wide skillet over medium high heat and brown chicken on both sides. I did this in two batches. Remove chicken and all but 2 tablespoons of oil. Add celery and bell pepper. SautƩ until tender and deglaze pan with the wine cooking most of it away. Add the mushrooms and flour stirring to cook mushrooms for about a minute. Add the chicken stock and stir until sauce thickens. Add the chicken back into the pan and spoon sauce over to cover. Simmer on low heat uncovered for over an hour or until tender. I left it on for well over an hour and half to let the celery almost melt away.
    Serve over rice, couscous or coarse ground grits.


    1. Drick,
      You hit the nail on the head, I would smother a big ole helping of rice with this wonderful chicken dish.

      Have a great weekend!

      Bon appetit!

    2. This looks really good! What a great chicken dinner

    3. You already had me at "celery and mushroom gravy," but then I read "along side helpings of collard greens, speckled butter beans, fried corn" and I just about fainted. Be still my little southern-cooking heart.

    4. Adopt me, please! :) Every single one of your recipes look and sound amazing!

    5. I'll bet this would be great on any meat looks like a winner to me !!!!

    6. I just love chicken with gravy. I think the addition of the Greek seasoning sounds like a fabulous variation on a yummy theme.

    7. Nothing wrong with a little innovation. Some of the best dishes are created that way. This looks wonderful and like a real comfort food classic.

    8. mushroom gravy oh you hold the keys to my heart, super yummy


    9. Mmmm...this looks creamy and delicious. I love the look of the sauce. It simple too...just what I like. I'm looking into your Western sauce again. Hoping to try out enchiladas soon. Am going to invite my friends for Mexican food again! They are sure lucky huh :D You are my sweet guru that I can always count on :D

    10. You are really creating some winning chicken dishes, no surprise to me! Great excuse to eat rice as if I needed one:)

    11. Mouthwatering! I need to have you teach my the right way to cook greens. They are so healthy, but mine always come out too bland. Would love to have your collard green recipe. :)

    12. Now this has "comfort" written all over it. Love the addition of the Greek herbs.

    13. Looks "down home" delicious, cher! I've never tried Greek seasoning, but it sounds good! Love the mushroom gravy, too! Btw, I made your mushroom-rice dish and it was out of this world!

    14. I don't think I would ever be disappointed by anything you just happen to have around the house. You always manage to kick it up an extra notch or two where the flavor is concerned....this chicken dish sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing it with us!

    15. I could have this with a nice plate of greens too...!

    16. Oooo this is right up hubby's alley! Thanks for sharing :-)

    17. Great stuff! I keep learning new things every time I come back to your blog.


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