My Original Green Bean Casserole (Revisited)

Which original?

Now I know everyone has a favorite green bean casserole. I have several, none are which are the same as the one from the cans of fried onion rings, condensed soups or vegetable packaging. I happen to like the one from French's however, you know the one on their onion ring can but I tweaked it many years ago to include more flavor and lose that 'canned' taste. I still use condensed mushroom soup in that one (My Green Bean Recipe, pg 111 in G to G) but that's not what today's recipe is about.

Many folks call the fore mentioned label version as the original. Now, who's gonna say. I mean think about it, someone, probably a busy mommy in the 50's came up with it, that would be my guess (didn't research that one). Doubt a test kitchen made it up, so it had to come from somebody. So, who's version is the original? Well, back when I did think about it, back when I was compiling my family cookbook, I came up with the recipe below as 'the original green bean casserole' with a tag byline saying "now's whose gonna say it ain't".  But since then, (you know me) I have changed it some more, more to my liking, at present time. More creaminess and I added the mushrooms which was not in the original at all.

For those of you who have the cookbook, and I know many of you who do, page 112 is where you will find it. Go ahead and add the changes as a variation if you like, you won't hurt my feelings one bit. It still has that nice lemony flavor, now a bit creamier. Enjoy!

My Original Green Bean Casserole (Revisited)
changes and additions in italics
1 medium onion, diced
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour (add another tablespoon)
2 tablespoons water (omit)
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon salt (omit)
1 cup chicken stock
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 cans green beans, drained (I use 4 cups frozen)
8 oz fresh mushrooms, sliced or 11 oz jar, washed well
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup dry plain breadcrumbs (optional)
    SautƩ the onion in the butter until clear and gradually stir in the flour then the water, salt, pepper and lemon juice. Simmer for 3 minutes. Stir in the stock and cream, stir until thickened. Add the beans, mushrooms and sour cream. Place in a buttered 2-quart casserole and sprinkle with the cheese and breadcrumbs and dot with more butter if desired. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes or until just bubbly. Broil if needed for a toasty topping.
    Note: I also add chopped cooked bacon at times.


    1. Yummmmmmmmmmmmm. That would be great on this rainy day!

    2. Drick,
      This is one great looking green bean casserole. I like the fact that you are using heavy cream, sour cream, and fresh mushrooms instead of the rote mushroom soup can that you find in most Southern style recipes.

      Bon appetit!

    3. Loving all the melted cheese here, yum!

    4. Something went wrong when I hit 'post comment'. It said 'service unavailable'! I said I love your green beans...cheesy and it. I love greens beans, especially the long beans...tender and delicious, found in Malaysia. Can't find it here...only short ones. No wonder I have not grown taller since I came here to Scotland...LOL

    5. you are killing me with all the cheesy goodness, just sitting here salivating at the computer! I must have some now!

    6. Wow, this is the best green bean casserole recipe I have ever seen...loaded with goodness :)

    7. I have to say, sitting here at my desk in the middle of the afternoon, that recipe and photograph and all that cheesy, creamy goodness are getting me hungry!

    8. Wonderful tweaks on the "original green bean casserole". Love that you added the sour cream, mushrooms, and chicken stock. Cest bon, cher!

    9. Drick, at first I thought you're using the whole green beans in this recipe. After checking your recipe, it's actually canned green beans. Your picture makes it looks so juicy delicious. lol. Bookmarked this for later use. Thank you and enjoy your day.
      p/s are you saying bye bye to summer? So, more autumn dishes coming up soon! Means more pumpkin & squash. ^_^

    10. That looks amazing. I may face opposition, but I am going to strongly suggest we try your recipe this Thanksgiving.

    11. Hey Drick - this is a keeper for the holidays coming up. Much better than any version of green bean casserole I've ever made!

    12. Oh, yes! This has to be a big improvement over the recipe from the can of fried onion rings. I've eaten my share of that French's recipe over the years and, although it's really pretty darned good, this has to beat it hands down! Yep, I'm keeping this one in my file for Thanksgiving!

    13. Cheesy goodness! And it looks so hearty

    14. Your casserole looks awesome! YUM! I love the mushrooms addition!

    15. Hi Drick, sorry it's just this time that I got the chance to start visiting food blog sites. And what a timing, my favorite side dish. I love the look of the creaminess, cheesiness and all the yumminess. Have a great weekend.

    16. I cannot wait to try this recipe! It's perfect for me because I can find all of the ingredients in my small town AND it doesn't include French Fried Onions! :)

      Just noticed your Fan Page! I will be following. And I can't believe I hadn't added your blog to my Blog Roll, but I quickly remedied that situation. :)

      Have a nice weekend!

    17. How in the heck did you reinvent something so good and make it even better??? This looks super yummy Drick. My son is a green bean casserole fanatic. He just got back from London (Thank God) and I think he's gonna like this one!

    18. oh you must of read my stomach, i have been aching for greenbean casserole....i love your take and can imagine what other great recipes are featured in your cookbook...yum

    19. Looking good! Anything is better than just dumping a can of mushroom soup on your green beans. :-p


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