Sweet Grilled Vidalia Onions

Distinctly different flavor
a great vegetable side dish

This is the time of year I am in heaven. Some of the early crops of summer are starting to come into the markets and home gardens are looking promising. Nothing is better than when I see vidalia onions appear on the shelves. Only from Georgia, only grown in 20 counties due to climate conditions and the type of soil needed to yield that distinct characteristic only found in a vidalia.

I mentioned to Lana, Never Enough Thyme, who I believe grew up near the growing part of vidalia country and now living a little bit further up in northern Georgia, I told her that I was into my second 10-pound bag of these southern truffles. That's how much I love 'em. They only appeared mid April and I am told will last until late May. I've said before that I could almost eat them like an apple, some do, but I prefer them in ways like this recipe or in our Vidalia Onion Pie, and in just about everything else I cook come to think of it....right Claudia?

Now the Deen family cooks a whole vidalia adding a beef bouillon cube to each one but I have never tried that one. This is the way we do it is our family, the recipe that is in our cookbook and the one we love to share. It is how I did it the last time I grilled steaks too. Hope you try it in the oven or on the grill.


Whole Sweet Vidalia Onions

for each onion:
salt and pepper
1 tablespoon butter
1/4 cup beer
sprinkle of brown sugar, optional

Cut the top from each onion and peel the outer skin. Carefully trim the roots from the bottom leaving the whole onion intact. Use a spoon, melon scoop or peeler to remove a little of the core from each onion going about half way down and about an inch in diameter.

For each onion, cut a square of heavy aluminum foil and mold around the sides. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and brown sugar. Add the pat of butter and the beer. Loosely bring the corners of the foil together at the top and twist together to seal.

Oven .... Place on a pan in a 375 to 450 degree F. oven for about 30 minutes to cook.
Grill .... Place on a hot grill for 30 to 45 minutes.

Let onions cool a tad and remove to a bowl if desired, the flavorful juice is just outstanding.

Note: Do not discard this juice, save if for other uses. I like to use it in a butter reduction when sautƩing shrimp. Yum...


  1. Oh man! I could totally for this right now! Bet it's so flavorful! I'm so hungry and I love onions! Such a creative way of cooking them!!

  2. I love Vidalia onions any way that I can get em', but grilling them with beer would have to be fab! I am on my way to the produce market, NOW, to get some of these babies to grill tonight with my shrimp kabobs. And I agree that grilling is heaven. Cheers!

  3. My dad makes these every time he grills, here we have the texas 1015, given for the date planting begins oct, 15..great recipe..have a fab week!


  4. Hi Drick, you've actually tempted me to make this right away, you know! I have yet tried anything like this before. Very interesting. Thanks for the recipe. Hope you're having a great day.
    Blessings, Kristy

  5. We go thru so many of these.here in Michigan theyare only available for a very short time. Love them in salads sandwiches stirfrys and now will try them Drick's way.

  6. So if you're telling me I can choose between a bouillon cube or beer, you think I'm going to choose the cube? I didn't think so either. This looks fantastic and I can't wait to try it.

  7. I love a Vidalia onion just about any way you want to cook it. Grilled, baked, stuffed...it's all good! Love this with the beer and brown sugar. Yum!

  8. Now I am wondering how Walla Walla sweets and Vidalias compare. Having spent almost 20 years in the northwest, I got used to those Walla Wallas. My father in law used to eat them like apples. I guess I am going to have to change my allegiance. Either way, I have to try this recipe. It sounds incredible.

  9. Blogger finally working again yeah! Was here last night but couldn't leave a comment about this awesome BBQ onion recipe! Gonna have to try this. I know the hubby will love it!

  10. Just stopping by to see if you survived the Blogger fiasco! lol I see that you lost all of your comments on this post. Everyone did. I know that I commented because I bought some Vidalias and grilled them, that night. Absolutely FAB! When you have time, I have some MORE awards for you at my place! Cheers, cher!

  11. Came back to comment again. Darn that Blogger for losing posts and comments for us. Don't they know that comments are what we live for? Still love the onions.

  12. Vidalia onions are a real treat. And I can imagine that the oven roasting really brings out their sweetness!

  13. Hey Drick, these look good, we rarely see Vidalia onions out here but when I do...I know where I'm going to find a recipe;-)

  14. I don't think I have ever had Vidalia onions as sweet as the ones you describe ... could it be that they lose some sweetness being transported farther? Or perhaps the Northern air neutralizes their Southern flavor? lol.

  15. Second ten lb bag already? Guess you do have a thing for these sweet gems. We just got some around here and they'll be gone fast. Usually the shriners sell them in 50lb bags by the roadside. I'm waiting on them. Usually I buy Sweet Onions, but there's nothing like a Vidalia!

  16. I love vidalia onion! This looks great!

  17. My goodness these are some kind of onion...I assume I will have to try this with another type of sweet onion, but sure going to try :)

  18. I can taste the sweetness of these now. Thanks so much for sharing these in our Get Grillin' event, Drick!

  19. Thanks for sharing this.. will definitely try this weekend.

  20. Great recipes gonna try it today itself.
    non slip tray


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