Get Ready for Tailgating & Game Week

Game Week Play Book

This is another series of football fun kinda like I did a couple of years ago where many of you jumped in and shared recipes. Of course, with time things change, so this year you can link in your recipes to share all the foods, snacks and drinks we like on game day. Find recipes from fellow football fans that know how to do some serious tailgating and serve up the best football party grub.

Plus, you might just score a game win. The more recipes you enter and the more comments you make on certain sites can better your chances for the Grand Prize. The strategy is simple; just spread the word of each Tailgating and Game Week on featured sites and follow through on other insider tips ... the playbook to earn extra points is revealed below. First, let's get to the game.

Foods for Football Friendly Folks
Beverages too ~ don't forget
the ol' college hunch-punch recipe...

Join in and share your favorite recipes for all your game day foods whether you're tailgating near a stadium or in the comfort of your home. Every Saturday I will share one of mine and hope you tag along with me during the next week until game day. Just link in at the bottom of each weekā€™s Tailgating and Game Week post before midnight the following Monday. Visit back on Wednesday or later during the same game week and cast your VOTE for your favorite recipe. You can vote up to 5 different recipes during any giving week depending on number of entrants, but only one vote from the same URL per recipe. After all votes for that week, you can see the results. Ya'll play fair now.

SCORE ā€“ Each recipe link you summit enters you into a drawing held at the end of the season for the Grand Prize, the Championship Bowl, filled with spices, delectable mixes and southern goodness and an autographed copy of my cookbook, Grits to Guacamole. Giveaway takes place the week of January 2nd, 2012, right in time for the BSC Championship Game in New Orleans LA. Selection by InLinkz. Drawing open to anyone with a mailable address in all cities, townships, countries that USPS serves. In the event of non-service, a draw-down will occur.

WIN - There is a prize each week too. The recipe submitter with the most votes tallied by InLinkz is the weekly winner and will receive an e-book copy of my newest publication, Best of Drickā€™s Kitchen featuring top 10 recipes in four categories ā€“ 40 recipes in all including recipes with unposted comments and tips. Available early 2012.
14 available winners beginning August 30th and ending the week of Nov 28th with the SEC Championship Game in Atlanta Ga.

(FINE PRINT) ā€“ Score more points on various plays:
Follow me on Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, delicious, Digg and CookEatShare, or make a comment, just be sure to use my name, DRICK somewhere in your message. The more my name (DRICK) links to your URL, and the top trackbacks I receive each week gets a wild-card play toward the Grand Prize.
Earn valuable points by summiting your recipe on my CES group 'Football Groupies and Tailgate Huggers'.
Tweet your recipe link and make a comment.
Share your recipe or link on your Foodblogs, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, CookEatShare, StumbleUpon, Digg sites ... just make sure DRICK and the weekly Tailgating and Game Week post link appears somewhere in the text.
Submission of recipes for the beginning of each game-week starts on every Saturday and ends midnight the following Friday, Central Time. 
Voting starts on the following Wednesday from the start of each game week. Just see below each Game Week post for clarification.
Your extra efforts can take you into overtime with points toward the wild card play which puts you into the top winning circle for the Grand Prize drawing.

Grand Prize - Championship Bowl overfilled with many of my favorites: spice mixes and rubs, Alabama seasonings and local Creole and Cajun food related items. Over $150 smackaroos worth of planned goodies. Cajun Country Mardi Gras Dip, Slap Your Mama Spice White Pepper Blend, Zatarain's Fish Fry Meal, Mexene Chile Powder Seasoning, Zatarains's Creole Seasoning, Arnett's Stone Ground White Corn Meal, Deep South Bay Leaves, Gumbo File, Liquid Hickory Smoke, Alaga Cane Syrup, plus much more including a large snack bowl and my signed cookbook, Grits to Guacamole.


  1. Wow, that was a lot to take in. One thing I am unclear about...does it start on Saturday the 27th or Sunday the 28th? This sounds like a lot of fun. I am going to have to get busy and make some snacks!

  2. @Kristen - Start linking SAT Aug 27 / start voting on Tue Aug 30 - New Game week starts the following SAT .... thanks, I changed the dates several times but I think I got it right now...

  3. College ball doesn't start til Sept. 1, so that makes sense. I'm totally a pro fan though. Go Bears. I'll be in on this for sure. Thanks for putting it together, Drick....and for the amazing prizes.


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