Cajun Christmas Chips

. . . as in Spicy Pickle Chips.

Sweet and spicy with a little spunkiness, just like most Cajun folks I know, these pickle chips are always a hit no matter what time of year you make 'em. For some reason, these are associated with the Holiday season and I suppose it is because not only are these inexpensive and a snap to make but also so darn wonderful when received.

One of the best little snacks around and a must on the appetizer tray, these chips are the kind of thing that will make folks say 'bet ya can't eat just one.' Now if you do not like hot, then don't come near these because they do carry a little bite. I mean, if you can't stand a little heat, I sure do not want you swearing my name. No, donā€™t do it. Most folks like to mix up a solution of sugar and hot pepper sauce but I like to add the garlic for flavor and crushed red pepper for an even added depth of flavor (itā€™s a different layer of flavor than the hot sauce, donā€™t you know), not to mention the Christmas-like specks of color. Enjoy!

Cajun Christmas Chips
makes about 6 half-pints for gifting
(or 24 -4 oz sample jars as shown used for promoting the launch of Drick's

2 -46 oz jars whole dill pickles (not Kosher)
4 cups sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons hot pepper sauce
1 tablespoon dehydrated minced garlic
2 teaspoons crushed red pepper

Drain and discard the pickling juice from the dill pickles (or save the juice and use to marinate chicken wings).

Slice the pickles in thick, nice size chips, (larger than quarter-inch, less than half-inch) and place in a large bowl.

Add remaining ingredients and stir to mix. Allow to rest for about 2 hours. Stir from the bottom several times. The sugar will dissolve and the pickles will produce its own liquid.

Place the chips in jars distributing the liquid among the jars. Seal and refrigerate for 3 or 4 days before enjoying and gift giving.

Holiday Wreath Label, c. 2010, Carol Egbert


  1. I'm buying pickles today to give these a try. After my candy making extravaganza yesterday, these sound like a much less stressful holiday gift.

  2. Is the hot pepper sauce in this recipe the red tabasco type sauce or the clearer type that has the small whole peppers?

  3. Got the pickles. Which Hot pepper sauce do you use? And you mention using the liquid for Chicken Wings. Is there any more information to that suggestion?

  4. @Lea Ann - I used Trappey's Hot Sauce, kinda like Tabasco but without an after-taste... and I use the pickle juice to marinade chicken wings for one great flavor, see my recipe for 'Fried Pickle Chicken Strips' ... let me know how you like these chips... I can't stop eating them...

  5. Drick, just wanted to stop by and let you know that I think those pickles are the best pickles ever. I made them Sat. morning and just now opened the jar. I didn't check inventory before I made them, had to Tobasco, so used El Tapatio Mexican Hot sauce. Great recipe, thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas.


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