Creole Creamed Eggs


Okay, it's Monday, the day after Easter and you have a basket full of hard-boiled eggs, hopefully refrigerated. Now days, folks talk about the need to refrigerate eggs meaning that if you hid them in your yard and flowerpots for your kiddies, they are not good for consumption and may well be contaminated. Well, that did not stop us when we were youngin's.

Today's feature is a southern favorite and based on a milk base gravy featuring sliced hardboiled eggs. There are many variations including adding crumbled sausage to the gravy before piling by heaping tablespoons over hot open face biscuits.

The Creole recipe for this sauce gets its inspiration from, for better terms, the traditional BĆ©chamel sauce but with the addition of hot pepper sauce makes an unforgettable spicy breakfast dish. Enjoy!

Creole Creamed Eggs

4 or 5 hard boiled eggs, sliced
1/4 cup unsalted butter
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups whole milk, room temperature
1 bay leaf
1 1/2 teaspoons hot pepper sauce
1 teaspoon sea salt
4 hot biscuits, cut in half
    Heat a medium saucepan over low heat and add butter. When butter melts, add flour and cook stirring rapidly until thickened and light brown, about 2 minutes. Slowly stir in the milk. Add the bay leaf and whisking constantly, cook until thickened, about 5 minutes. Stir in the sliced eggs and remove from heat. Stir in the hot pepper sauce and salt, discard bay leaf and serve over hot biscuits, open face style.

    Serve with southern or cajun sausage if desired and creamy grits would be great too.


    1. What an awesome way to serve to me...but looks very delicious.

    2. Well, I don't have any eggs around my house right now, but I'd sure get some to make this!! (And I'm back from my trip, btw. Jet lagged and wishing I was still in Europe ... but back!)

    3. Oh my gosh! I have never heard of such a recipe. This is amazing. You have officially made my morning!!!

    4. i can never resist gooey egg, especially on breakfast bread!

    5. I don't have an egg left to speak off but this is tempting enough to get a fesh pack for! I am a sucker for anything with a biscuit :)

    6. Sounds delicious! And I appreciate the frugality. Waste not, want not, as we used to say!

    7. What a perfect Sunday morning breakfast!

    8. now your talking! hot sauce eggs oh yeah! just the way I eat them~

    9. I LOVE this idea! I'd even hard boil some eggs on purpose to make this dish...what a great way to feed a gang!

    10. These eggs look de-lish! Great idea for the leftover Easter eggs.

    11. That is good for hangover!! :)

    12. Grand and comforting. I have a dozen hard-boiled eggs sitting in the fridge begging for a recipe and here it is.

    13. Hubby would be sooo happy if I served him up this dish! I may just surprise him one of these days with your creamed eggs and a site of cheesy grits.


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